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Monday, October 18, 2010

links requested

Dearest Classmates,
If you will be so kind, please click on this "post comment" link and there post your blog address so we can visit you there. Aloha!
Dr. H.


  1. Hello,

    hope all is well today! Have a nice day....

  2. Good Morning, Fellow Classmates,

    I asked the question, why are women homeless? There are many factors that take into play, when we ask,"Why are Women Homeless?"

    I ask is this primarly do to the lack of education and finacial resources?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Everyone,

    there are many reason why woman can be homeless such as losing a job and not being able to find another one, living from pay check to paycheck. If their spouse dies or leaves them then most certainly they would go from a 2 family income to a one family income and not be able to afford all the bills by them selves.

  5. Good Evening class mates
    It's nice to finally be on board with the blogging. hope to have some followers soon:)

  6. brendak54-firstblog.blogspot.com
    I need guidance on how to follow on this blog, anyone able to help me?

  7. From Dr. H, click on follow.
    Changing topics, I want to make you aware of Florida's SB-1070: http://immigration.change.org/blog/view/floridas_sb_1070_all_immigrants_must_carry_papers_except_canadians_and_europeans

    Can you believe this? Take a look at Florida’s SB 1070 above. Even if an officer has 'reasonable suspicions' over a person's immigration status … a person will be ‘presumed to be legally in the United States’ if he or she provides ‘a Canadian passport’ or a passport from any 'visa waiver country' which includes Western Europe and Canada. Florida state Representative William Snyder told a radio host that what the Florida Government is trying to do is to be sensitive to Canandians. There are tons of Canadians wintering their time in Florida. What about the millions of South Americans which comprise 52% of the visitors alone in Miami, Florida?
